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Photo Album



Physics Compilation.00_00_18_16.Still005
UMass Dartmouth Observatory at night
UMass Dartmouth Observatory with the university campus in the background
UMass Dartmouth Observatory's 16-inch Meade telescope
Photo of the full moon taken through the Meade telescope by Brian Pinault, using a Canon EOS 1300D digital camera
Photo of the full moon taken through the Meade telescope by Brian Pinault, using a Canon EOS 1300D digital camera
M42 - Orion Trapezium 3.JPG
Photo of the Orion Nebula taken through the Meade telescope by Brian Pinault, using a Canon EOS 1300D digital camera
Observatory photos by Kevin Kertscher and Jonathan Burnett, .

Background image: Hubble Deep Field, Space Telescope Science Institute.

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